Thursday, July 24

Member of Scientific & Medical Network

Leading Articles from Members of the Scientific and Medical Network

Beyond the Jargon: Redefining Multiculturalism

Cradle, Temple & Cosmos: A Genetic Odyssey

The Way of the West: Race against Time has now been published in the Summer 2008 issue of Scientific & Medical Network Review

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello Mr Grant- my comment is not directly related to your post. I just wanted to tell you That I was watching "At the Earth's Core" online, looked your name up on a whim, and started reading your wonderful website. I had no idea that you are Caribbean, plus you are much more than an actor. I am also of Caribbean descent (Jamaica)and I think we don't properly address the issues of identity,alienation,consumerism and the absence of truth in history that you bring up on your site.I will order Blackness and the Dreaming Soul. Thanks for a great site and your positive attitude. Natasha,